Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I don't know what I'm training for, but I hope it never happens

I honestly don't know what I did all those years without cable. No CSI, no Warrick Brown. No Olympics, no Brian Williams. No Secret Life of a Call Girl, no...well no classy entertainment. And worst of all, no commercials.

Last week I found the advertisement of a lifetime, the new Old Spice campaign with my newest celebrity crush, Isaiah Mustafa. I suggest watching the amazingly hilarious commercial, man.
My mancrush totally and completely sold me on man-scented bodywash, even though I am neither a man, nor do I have one to use this bodywash on. Doesn't matter. All I know is that he has two tickets to that thing I love.

This evening's television viewing uncovered the El Dorado and other rich and vast ancient treasures of exercise machines. 3-Minute Legs and the Shake Weight. Rather than point you to just the ads themselves, I will give you Ellen, who keenly demonstrates the results you will reap with these fun, easy, fun, fast, fun, fat-burning, inch-scouring, and yes fun machines, designed for who else? Women. Because remember, we should all smell like butterflies, and salt taffy. If the Shake Weight can't do that, I don't know what can.

**Edit: I posted the original 3-Minute Legs workout on my friend Jason's wall. He is a certified personal trainer and works in the health and wellness industry. He had the following to say:

Jason N
My favorite quotes:

"until now [squat and lunges] were too hard; too difficult"
-I shouldn't even start. It probably won't be facebook appropriate

"It's a 3 minute miracle!"

"It holds up to 275lbs"
-I can squat that

"Ordinary lunges can hurt your knees if you lose your balance"
-You can get injured anywhere if you lose balance

"Regular squats can be BRUTAL on your back"
-Yes......that must be why proper lifting techniques require a squat

"It has a depth control cable that prevents you from going too low"
-The population in China hasn't been injured from going to the bathroom yet

Thanks for the professional opinion Jason. And viewers, stay tuned.


  1. Hilarious, Annz! You should pull together a collection of too-amazing-to-be-true exercise machines like the Abs Burner (?) and all that other stuff from the 80s and 90s.
    My personal favourite was the thing with straps that jiggled your thigh cellulite into oblivion.

  2. Would that be tickets to the gun show?

  3. Holy Crap- I just watched the commercial for the Shake Weight. WTF?!!?!? Thats hilarious! :)

